Sunday, September 21, 2008

Chiung Yao

Chiung Yao or Qiong Yao is a popular Taiwanese romance novelist. Many of her works have been made and remade into movies and TV series. During 1990s, her novels and TV series adapted from her works were a hit in Taiwan and Mainland China. Among her many novels, Huan Zhu Ge Ge, or "Princess Returning Pearl" in English, is by far the best-known and popular.

Both her father and mother received a good education. She was born in the capital city Chengzhong of Sichuan province. In 1949, along with her family, she moved to Taiwan, where she attended 台北师范附小 and Taipei First Girls' High School . At the age of 16, she published her first novel. During high school she had published over 200 articles. After graduation from high school and failure to enter college, she got married and became a housewife, and at the same time started her writing career.


* 窗外
* 幸運草
* 六個夢
* 煙雨濛濛
* 菟絲花
* 幾度夕陽紅
* 潮聲
* 船
* 紫貝殼
* 寒煙翠
* 月滿西樓
* 翦翦風
* 彩雲飛
* 庭院深深
* 星河
* 水靈
* 白狐
* 海鷗飛處
* 心有千千結
* 一簾幽夢
* 浪花
* 碧雲天
* 女朋友
* 在水一方
* 秋歌
* 人在天涯
* 我是一片雲
* 月朦朧鳥矇矓
* 雁兒在林梢
* 一顆紅豆
* 彩霞滿天
* 金盞花
* 夢的衣裳
* 聚散兩依依
* 卻上心頭
* 問斜陽
* 燃燒吧﹗ 火鳥
* 昨夜之燈
* 匆匆﹐ 太匆匆
* 失火的天堂
* 我的故事
* 冰兒
* 剪不斷的鄉愁
* 雪珂
* 望夫崖
* 青青河邊草
* 梅花烙
* 鬼丈夫
* 水雲間
* 新月格格
* 煙鎖重樓
* 還珠格格《三之一》 陰錯陽差
* 還珠格格《三之二》 水深火熱
* 還珠格格《三之三》 真相大白
* 蒼天有淚《三之一》 無語問蒼天
* 蒼天有淚《三之二》 愛恨千千萬
* 蒼天有淚《三之三》 人間有天堂
* 還珠格格第二部《五之一》風雲再起
* 還珠格格第二部《五之二》生死相許
* 還珠格格第二部《五之三》悲喜重重
* 還珠格格第二部《五之四》浪跡天涯
* 還珠格格第二部《五之五》紅塵作伴
* 還珠格格第三部《三之一》天上人間
* 還珠格格第三部《三之二》天上人間
* 還珠格格第三部《三之三》天上人間

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